Want to get involved or know more about our Ministries?
Altar Servers
The Second Vatican Council, in its Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, encourages the full, conscious, and active participation of all the faithful in the celebration of Mass and the sacraments. This participation is in the first place an interior act: knowing and understanding the gestures and prayers of the sacred liturgy so as to enter into the rites and be spiritually transformed by them. It is an engagement of the mind and heart so that the spirit may be lifted to God. While the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments has made allowance for women and girls to serve at the altar, the decision is left to the disposition and character of the diocese and particular churches. In the Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter, altar servers are male. A boy may be admitted as an altar server only after having received First Holy Communion.
Communities within the Ordinariate tend to have congregations that love to worship God through the beautiful hymnody of the great Anglican and Catholic traditions. The English Choral tradition is a tradition that encompasses the robust singing of hymns by, the likes of, Charles Wesley, Isaac Watts, John Newton, John Mason Neale, and John Henry Newman; choral music by British and American composers from the Renaissance to the present day; and a particular way of singing the Psalms called Anglican Chant. It reaches back to the Catholic traditions of Gregorian Chant and the hymns of St. Ambrose and St. Thomas Aquinas, and is also forward-looking in its use of excellent contemporary music and hymnody being written today. The English musical tradition has developed some of the most beautiful settings of the Divine Office, Minor Propers at Mass, psalmody, hymnody, and organ performance.
Theology on Tap - OC
Theology on Tap OC is an open invitation to the public and of all ages to learn more about their faith and to build a Catholic community. Each event features an engaging speaker presenting on a particular facet of Catholic theology or spirituality. Past events have explored a wide variety of subjects, ranging from the ministry of exorcism to the theology of quantum mechanics. This is a great opportunity to meet new people in a casual environment, enjoy quality beer, and — most importantly — enrich your faith.
Ushers & Hospitality
Ushers help set up (tables, liturgies, hymnals, etc.), welcome everyone, and provide whatever is needed to participate in liturgy. We give anyone who's visiting a very brief introduction to the Ordinariate Form of the Mass. We want to welcome everyone, and if someone looks unfamiliar or like this is their first time visiting, asking their name, giving our name, and thanking them for coming. When harried moms and dads come with children, we ensure that they know they're welcomed and to make them as comfortable as possible. Ushers try to be mindful and aware of all that's going on as people get settled, have a look of 'Where's the bathroom?' on their face, or need some physical assistance, and to always ask how we can help. We bring extra chairs when needed. We occasionally document important events with photos. We let folks know they can sign up for information about our parish, and, especially if they're visiting, let them know we're glad they came and would love to see them again.
Gianna Club
St. Gianna Molla wrote: “One earns paradise with one’s daily tasks.” With this in mind, Gianna Club encourages women of all ages in the pursuit of excellence in their many vocations. Our mission is to foster community between the multifaceted women of the parish through social gatherings, volunteer events, and opportunities for spiritual and intellectual growth. We invite you to engage with a dynamic group of kindred spirits who support, uplift, and love one another.
Prayer Partner/Meal Train
The Corporal Works of Mercy are found in the teachings of Jesus and give us a model for how we should treat all others, as if they were Christ in disguise. The Corporal Works of Mercy "are charitable actions by which we help our neighbors in their bodily needs". They respond to the basic needs of humanity as we journey together through this life. Our St. John’s Prayer Partner/Meal Train Ministry focuses on helping people that need prayers and/or food during a vulnerable time, such as after having a baby or losing a loved one.