Divine Worship: The Missal
9:00AM Sung Mass
The Propers of the Mass are chanted and hymns are sung acapella for the entrance and procession. The Prophecy Lesson, Epistle, and Gospel are also read.
11:00AM Principal Mass
In a Sung Mass, all the Propers and Ordinaries are sung. The prayers of the Mass are sung by the priest or choir. Sung Mass customarily employs the use of incense. At Sung Mass, the faithful sing the Kyrie, Gloria, Creed, Sanctus, and Agnus Dei with the choir. The congregation also responds to the Priest in chant during multiple points during the Mass.
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With the approval of the Holy See, we celebrate the Holy Eucharist and the other Sacraments, the Liturgy of the Hours and other liturgical celebrations proper to the English Catholic tradition.
It is a precious gift nourishing the faith of the members of the Ordinariate and is a treasure to be shared.