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The Month’s Mind: Requiem Mass for Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI

Tuesday, January 31st, at 7:00 pm, St. John Henry Newman will be offering a Requiem Mass for Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI.  A month's mind is a Requiem Mass celebrated about one month after a person's death, in memory of the deceased. In medieval and later England, it was a service and feast held one month after the death of anyone in his or her memory.  Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI died on Saturday, December 31st.

The Requiem Mass and its settings draw their name from the introit of the liturgy, which begins with the words "Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine" (Latin for "Eternal rest grant them, O Lord"), which is cited from 2 Esdras.

The celebration of the Requiem Mass provides our parish with a distinct opportunity for us, our friends, and family. Remember to invite them to join us every month in the Queen of Life Chapel as we pray for the faithful departed.

January 29

Bishop Kevin Vann at St. John's

March 18

Gianna Club: Monthly Meetup